v Introduction:-
Style is the man. Style reflects a
writer’s genuine personality. A great writer’s means of expression are diction,
design and personality. The third requirement of style is ‘the should in
style’. With all the unity of design, style may lack warmth, clour and perfume.
The writer’s personality five this living touch. In this connection Flaubert
observes, “Style is the real man. Pater considers Charles s Labe next the Shakespeare in the style on
account of the reflection of his
personality. The same is the case with Sudraka whose natural love for
simplicity and power of brief, effective and dramatic dialogue make
‘Mrichchakatikam” an immortal play.
v Sudraka’
unconventional and experimental style
The special features that make this
play an immortal one are the wealth of incidents, the variety of characters,
the mastery of pathos, the plenty of humour and wit and the charm of this
simple yet effective style. His style lifts the plays from the tradition
Sanskrit play and proves it a unique quality. In the matter of style, Sudraka
differs from the tradition-loving and rule observing Sanskrit writers. The
unconventional realism of the malice its perfectly individualized character and
the cosmopolitan world with its malice, intrigue, romance and humour appear to
be acceptable on account Sudraka’ unconventional and experimental style.
v The use of long
compound, simile and proverbs
The use of long compound is a special
feature of the style of this play. There is however some looseness in the
formation of compound. The use of monosyllables is fairly common, simply to
fill in the line. The poet has also used some striking and unusual similes and
significant proverbs throughout the play. He uses epigrammatic expression very
effectively. There are some expressions which can not be called purely
grammatical. On the whole, how every the style is natural and simple. There are
some repetitions of the same ideas now and then. This is all the more
noticeable in the description of rain and storm int-V and the expression of
anger against women in Act –VI. We also find several interpolations in these
v Use of metres
Here Sudraka uses a large number of
metres throughout the play. The (8-syllabled line) is used eighty three times
in this play. It makes the style easily understandable, enjoyable and lucid.
The poet has also used Vasantitalaka and Surdulavikridita frequently with great effect. There are about a hundred
stanzas in Prakirt.
v Limitations
As a stylist, Sudraka has some
limitation also. At some, places, we find needless elaboration and verbosity,
as in Sarivlaka’s outburst against women and Maitreya’s description of
Vasantsena’s house in Act-V. The poet refers to the sound when the time is
already late evening. He describes the stormy season as ‘gleaming with clouds’.
v Conclusion:-
On the whole, the style of this play
is quit simple and effective. It belongs to the Vaidarbhi variety of which
Kalidas is the recognized master.
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