“From the prehistory of Novelistic Discourses”
A Russian literary theorist, Bakhtin
has been a great influence on the contemporary theory of Discourse analysis. He
is best known by his works named The Dialogic Imagination (1981), Speech
Genres and Other Late Essays (1986), Rabelais and his World (1968), and
Problems of Dostoevski’s Poetics (1984). In these studies, there is a
critique of Russian Formalism and an outline of his characteristic theme of
“dialogism.” He criticizes Formalism for its abstraction, for its failure to
analyse the content of literary works, and for the difficulty it finds in
analysing linguistic and ideological changes. This critique is then extended to
linguistics, especially the Saussurean. In his view, the purely linguistic
approach to both language and literature is highly limited in scope. It tends
to isolate linguistic units or literary texts from their social context, having
no analysis to offer of the relations that exist between both individual
speakers and texts.
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