“You cannot value him alone; you
must set him, for contrast and comparison, among the dead” Discuss with
reference to Eliot's Tradition and Individual Talent
By tradition Eliot means all
those habitual actions, habits and customs, from the most significant
religious rites to our conventional ways of greeting a stranger, which
represent the bloodkinship of the same people living in the same place.
Tradition is a need and importance of an outside authority of the poet.
Allegiance to ‘inner voice’
simply means doing what one likes. The poet must allow allegiance to some other
authority outside himself. He must learn and practice inner self-control.
He must revise and re-revise his artistic work. Mature art is only possible in
this way. His concept of tradition is enlightened and dynamic. Tradition is
always growing. In Tradition and Individual Talent, Eliot regards the whole of
European literature from Homer down to his own day as forming a single literary
tradition. Tradition is dead, it lives in the present. When a great work
of art is produced, the tradition is enhanced or modified to some extent. A
great artist must have a sense of tradition and he must pass this tradition to
the next generations; otherwise he will be isolated. Therefore, Eliot rightly
says that:
cannot value him alone; you must set him, for contrast and
comparison, among the dead”
Eliot’s conception of tradition
is an enlightened and dynamic one. An idea of tradition is essential for it
makes us realise our kinship with “the same people living in the same
place”. But we must remember that the conditions of life which produced some
particular tradition have changed and so the tradition, too, must change.
Tradition is not something immovable, it is something constantly growing and
becoming different from what it previously was. We must learn to distinguish
between the essential and the unessential, the good and the bad, in a
particular tradition and only the good and the essential must be followed and
revived. While we should justly be proud of our own tradition this should not
make us look down on other peoples who are not so lucky in this respect. In
short, tradition must be used intelligently, changes in the conditions of life
must be taken into consideration, and only the best should be
preserved and fostered. Eliot’s tradition continues and lives in the present.
When a really great work of art is produced, this tradition is modified and a
great work of art can be possible only when the artist has a sense of this
literary tradition. Great artists modify the existing tradition and pass
it on to the future. A sense of tradition is essential for the creation of
good poetry, but individual talent, too, is of paramount importance. Indeed,
the two, tradition and individual talent, are not opposite concepts. Eliot
reconciles the two, and shows that both have an essential role to play in the
process of poetic creation. Individual talent is needed to acquire the sense of
tradition, and this individual talent also modifies the tradition so acquired.
So Eliot propounds:
poet must develop the consciousness of the past and that he
should continue to develop
this consciousness throughout his career”
But the question is how should
the individual writer have this idea of tradition and how can heinvest his
individual talent in it? The artist must have the historical sense so that his
individual talent may be differentiated. This historical sense is the
sense of the timeless and temporal, as well as of the timeless and temporal
together. Tradition represents the accumulated wisdom and experience of ages,
and so its knowledge is essential for really great and noble achievements.
According to this view, tradition is not anything fixed and static, it is
constantly changing, growing and becoming different from what it is, and it is
the individual talent which so modifies it. A writer in the present must
seek guidance from the past, he must confirm to the literary tradition. The
past directs the presents and is itself modified and altered by the present.
The work of a poet in the present is to be compared and contrasted
with works of the past, and judged by the standards of the past. But this
judgment does not mean determining good or bad. The comparison is to be
made for knowing the facts, all the facts, about the new work of art. The
comparison is made for the purposes of analysis, and for forming a better
understanding of the new. It is in this way alone that we can form an idea of
what is really individual and new. It is by comparison alone that we can sift
the tradition from the individual elements in a given work of art. In this way,
does Eliot reconcile the concept of tradition with individual talent and
stresses their respective roles in the process of poetic creation. What Eliot
means in gist is that:
“Tradition is a matter of much wider significance. It cannot be inherited, and
it you want it you must obtain It by great labour”
According to Eliot, the
impersonal elements, i.e. the ‘tradition’, the accumulated knowledge and wisdom
of the past, which is acquired by the poet to produce a great work of art. It
is the duty of every poet to acquire, to the best of his ability,
this knowledge of the past, and he must continue to acquire this consciousness
throughout his career. Such awareness of tradition, sharpens poetic creation.
Thus the individual talent of the artist is set against this tradition,
observed, and evaluated. In this way, his art is better perceived, understood,
valued and appreciated. Eliot further emphasies that point in the following
“No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His
significance, his appreciation is the appreciation
of his relation to the dead poets and artists”
Thus, the idea of tradition for
individual talent is unavoidable for a great work of art. The poet must also
realize that art never improves, though its material is never the same.
The mind ofEurope may change, but this change does not mean that great
writers like Shakespeare and Homer have grown outdated and lost their
significance. The great works of art never lose their significance, for there
is no qualitative improvement in art. There may be refinement, there may be
development, but from the point of view of the artist there is no improvement.
For example, it will not be correct to say that the art of Shakespeare is
better and higher than that of Eliot. Their works are of different kinds, for the
material on which they worked was different. His view of tradition
requires, as most criticize him, a ridiculous amount of erudition. It will be
pointed out that there have been great poets who were not learned, and further
that too much learning kills sensibility. However, knowledge does not merely
mean bookish knowledge. It is wisdom which can also be learnt from the school
of life as Shakespeare, Dickens and many others have done.
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